TNT Content & Design
Tracy Steen's consulting services include TNT Content & Design, an image, writing, and business consulting firm co-founded with Tom Lincoln. TNT's specialties include articles, editing, websites, videos, photography, and social media support.
Through TNT, Dr. Steen works with clients to assess their ongoing needs. She also provides art direction, photography, and help with content. Lincoln provides rendering and technological services. His software skills include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress, and Wix.com, as well as xCode, the design software for Apple's iPhone.
Representative projects include editing, photography, and promotion for the satirical serial novel, The Trials of a Common Pleas Judge, by the Hon. Mark I. Bernstein (Ret.) and websites for Judge Bernstein and the Wharton School, including the website for professor of marketing David J. Reibstein.
To discuss TNT Content & Design's services, please use the following contact form: